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Permits / Terms


Council Permits

Placing a Skip Bin on Council Land | Council Regulations QLD

Many customers enquire about whether we can place our skip bins on public property.

You may wish to place the skip bin:

  • On nature strips
  • On the road
  • On easements running down the side of the property
  • On parkland or other areas that border their property
  • On footways (footpaths)

On many occasions our trucks are capable of placing the bin in these locations, however, council regulates where bins can be placed if it is not within your own property. Generally the customer will need to apply for a temporary permit from their local council to allow the placement of the bin in a public area. The customer will usually be charged a fee by council for the permit.

If a permit is not acquired by the customer they may be exposing themselves to the potential of fines from the council. Toowoomba Skips does not accept responsibility for acquiring permits or paying fines issued for the unlawful placement of a skip bin.

Contact your local council for more information.